3AP Impact Study
published: March 22, 2024
3AP (3Arts Projects) is a unique crowdfunding platform with a built-in match that helps Chicago artists finance new creative work.
Since 2012, the program has supported more than 200 projects, distributed more than $1.2 million to Chicago artists, and maintained an unprecedented 100% success rate with all projects reaching or exceeding their funding goals. As a result, artists are creating important new work in Chicago that otherwise may not have seen the light of day.
Each year, we survey artists after their 3AP campaigns have been funded and projects completed. We collect this information into a cumulative Impact Study that helps illustrate this program's ripple effect across Chicago and beyond, including:
- Demographics of 3AP artists
- Variety of projects supported
- How 3AP funding was used
- Where resulting projects took place
- Audiences engaged by 3AP-funded new works
- If/how it led to other opportunities for artists
- 3AP Artist Spotlights: Diana Solis and Will Liverman
The current Impact Study includes cumulative information for artists whose projects were completed between January 2012 and December 2023.