Image: Three scenes of artists in professional development workshops
Professional Development
Annually we offer a mix of group workshops, coaching, peer mentorship, application feedback sessions, and financial consultations that help artists connect and gain career-building skills. Staff regularly circulates information about local and national grant and other opportunities to artists in the 3Arts network and also publicly over our social media channels.
3AC (3Arts Access): Artists in the 3Arts network are invited to attend an annual accessibility workshop featuring guest speakers on a range of topics including disability aesthetics, intersectionality, and the basics of accessibility services. Attendees are eligible to apply for a microgrant of up to $200 to help cover the costs of accessibility services for an event, performance, or exhibition that they are presenting or organizing.
3AMP (3Arts Mentorship Program): Artists in the 3Arts network can apply to participate in a peer-mentorship program to build connections and share resources. The program supports 10 pairs (20 artists) per year, including stipends for up to four meetings and access to an optional "drop-in mentor” with specialized expertise.
3AP (3Arts Projects): For artists applying or participating in our 3AP program, we provide customized coaching on managing successful crowdfunding campaigns and developing a project from idea to completion.
Application Feedback: Artists who are nominated and apply for a 3Arts Award are invited to schedule a private application feedback session with a 3Arts staff member about their application. During these meetings we also make time to point artists to other resources and opportunities in Chicago and nationally that could benefit them.
Coaching: New recipients of Next Level Awards are offered up to six private sessions with a professional coach through a partnership with National Arts Strategies. Additionally, 3Arts staff regularly makes time for informal coaching or mentorship by request with any artist in the 3Arts network.
Financial Consultations: Each new recipient of a 3Arts Award receives a private consultation with a financial advisor on money matters such as long-term savings, debt-reduction, taxes, and whatever else is on their mind when it comes to financial management.
Finally, we share a wide range of resources about other grants, information, and opportunities on our Resources page:
"The accessibility workshop and micro-grant that 3Arts offers are an absolute necessity for our arts community in order to continue transforming into an inclusive and welcoming ecosystem."
"The private financial consultation was super helpful, and guided me towards my decisions to utilize the award through a long term trajectory."