The Space Between
In this evolving world we find ourselves in, I feel compelled to make music because that’s the art form that I feel breaks through barriers and connects us to one another. The Space Between is a new album of songs I’m developing with my band, Anna Soltys and the Familiar. With this campaign we’re hoping to raise funds from our friends and fans to help us produce, release, and promote this full-length recording. This album deals with the vulnerabilities we face every single day that we wake up in this loud and barking world, yet I have a sense of hope. In this breath of musical exploration, we will take each seed and bring it to life with its fullest potential. I can already see and hear the colors that the strings, horns, guest vox, producers, and videographers will bring to this collection of songs! The goal is to turn the ideas into sounds that people will find moving and potentially personally inspiring. Contributions to this campaign will help cover recording, mixing, musicians, videographers, web development, and PR efforts to share the album as far and wide as possible.
About This Project
Our band, Anna Soltys and the Familiar, formed sometime in 2009. With a series of songs and interest from a label, I pulled in Larry Beers (drummer), and he skillfully recruited in the rest of the Familiar: John Pirrucello (guitar), David Smith (bass), and finally the silent member/producer Rick Barnes. I decided on the band name because each member in the band is a seasoned, uber talented, and abundantly busy performer/artist in the field. Most likely these fellas will look familiar to any regular patron of music in Chicago.
With English being my third language, it took me a while to find comfort as a singer/songwriter at first. But in 2005 I got my first guitar and learned just enough on the instrument to explore the ideas that were driving my creative expression. Music is a magical medium as it speaks multiple languages within itself. You don’t have to speak the language of the vocalist to understand the mood and ideas being conveyed. You also don’t have to be a lead guitar player to create arrangements that speak clearly and deeply.
Being a huge fan of Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, The Kinks, and Beatles, I became enthralled with how beautifully emotions were transferred to audiences through music. The simplicity of sounds and melody can create a lasting impact and be a powerful force. Music helped me feel connected to something bigger, I might even say it connected me to dreams (not dreams of becoming a musician, these were not thoughts I had then), but dreams of being authentically myself. I believe we all need this now, to tap into ourselves and ways we can be better, more whole, and more unified. Thank you for helping us bring this project to life.
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $25Super Thank You shout out on social media! ($25.00 is tax deductible.)
- $50Your name in the “Special Thanks” credits in the music video ($50.00 is tax deductible.)
- $100All of the above plus a digital download of the record ($90.00 is tax deductible.)
- $250All of the above plus a signed copy of the album and the release event poster ($200.00 is tax deductible.)
- $500All of the above plus a 30-minute video call with Anna Soltys ($450.00 is tax deductible.)
- $1000All of the above, plus separate recognition as "3AP Producer" in a special section on the album ($950.00 is tax deductible.)
- $2500All of the above, plus a 30-minute video call with producer Rick Barnes ($2450.00 is tax deductible.)

Anna Soltys
Make a Wave ArtistAnna Soltys and the Familiar is a modern folk rock band with an entrancing new sound. Anna spent the first part of her childhood in Poland followed by six years in Paris before moving to her self-proclaimed home, Chicago. It …
View Anna Soltys's profile-
Update 1: Thank You!!Posted on October 06, 2020
Hello dear friends! I wanted to take a moment to thank you for donating to my campaign! Each penny adds up to a full record and without your help this would not be a reality! We are so close to our first goal of $5000 all thanks to you!!
I hope you have an amazing week!!
Update 2: Stretch GoalPosted on October 26, 2020Thank you So Much!!!
Hello dearest Beautiful, Kind, Sweet humans!!!
This campaign has officially met it's $5,000 goal!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and your continued support. This is my first crowdsourcing experience, and i am humbled.
Now... we get to push for OUR STRETCH GOAL of $23,000 in 7 days... I know... I know... but here is to a valiant effort!! : )
For those of you that know my story, my first album was such a difficult experience, and the lack of control over my work was a very hard process. This opportuniy to create work is pure magic!!
Thank you so much and I love you!!
Update 3: ItPosted on June 29, 2024Update 4: The Space Between UpdatePosted on June 29, 2024The Space Between
Hello dearest friends,
It has been a while, however your love and support has not been forgotten and continues to be forever appreciated. I am forever humbled!!
They say good things take time.
I am writting to update you on my project and to kindly ask for your mailing address, so that i can sent you something though snail mail for all your love and support. You will also receive an invitation for my album release show which I am so exited to play in the Fall.
The album is fully complete and available on all streaming platforms under Anna Soltys and the Familiar "The space between". On this record I was able to do so many things i so longed to do. It is step in the directions that I had always hoped this work would go. The album was recorded at Rax Trax Studio with the amazing Rick Barnes. While I was working on this record, I also recorded 2 albums with Syzygal. (you can check those out too) I absolutely love working with Rick. We have found such an amazing synergy when in the studio together. My amazing band of course making it all sound like Anna Soltys and the Familiar. Larry Beers on drums, John Pirruccello on guitar, steal and mandolin and we had the amazing Ben Joseph aka secretbadboy, and member of Ezra Furman sitting in on bass, keys, and synth. Ben brought a flavor to our sound that expands the limits of what came before, and plays around on the entire album in the most intriging way.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this record, and look forward to getting your mailing address.
Here is an image of the cover and again again and again I thank you for believing in me, and supporting me and my work!!
Cheryl Postrozny
Jamie Tapia
Ami Saraiya
Danya E
Danya E
Anonymous Supporter
Margo Rush
Carrie Jackson
Molly Bougearel
Julia Goldberg
Anna Galland
Churchill Daniels
Daniel Kerr-Hobert
Brice Woodall
Mickey Kellerman
Ana Everling
Laura Yoo
Claire Zulkey
Arlan Derussy
Elizabeth Falzone
Michael Liesman
Sarah Karnes
Julie Kaplan
Amy furrow
Valerie Kahan
Boleszek Osinski
Gina Fontanini
Kirsten Palmer
Todd Shanoff
Michael Komessar
Michael Komessar
Jessica Robbins
Anonymous Supporter
Lauren Swedlow
Laura Mullkoff
jonathan steinmeier
William Bjorncrantz
Stephen Pirruccello
Heather Kulaga
William Kurk
Chantal Sudbrack
Don Barnes
Raquel Quadreny
Raquel Quadreny
Raquel Quadreny
Bob Nicholas
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